The new web page of Conciertos Augusto S.L. is now available, its construction its nearly finished and even if not all the content its on the web page, we oficially open it. In this web page will be able to find several content about our artists and the world of clasical music. We have created a calendar of events where we can see future concerts, a news section, biographies and photographies in the artists section, aswell as links of interest, and soon many things more. We hope you enjoy and join us in this new journey on the net while we create this web page.
If you have problems with the web page using internet explorer, you maybe using internet explorer 6 or a lower version, please update your version to a higher one, for more information you can click here: If you still have problems with the web page, especially with the home banner, please update your Javascript.
C\ Viento, 15
28220 Majadahonda
91 634 0205
New Web Page